Southwestern Youth Association Sports

SYA Little League Softball Throwing Drills

Throwing Drills


Wrist Snaps Players pair up and kneel with both knees on ground 5 yards apart. Players support throwing elbow with glove and, using only wrist action, throw to each other for desired period.
One-Knee Throwing Players pair up and kneel on ground 10 yards apart. Right handed players kneel on right knee with left leg out front. Players throw to each other for desired period, then move another 5 yards apart. Emphasize proper shoulder turn, hip turn, and follow through. Continue moving apart and throwing for desired period of time and distance apart.
No-Stride Throws Players pair up and stand sideways facing each other at a 90° angle and 10 yards apart. Players throw to each other using only shoulder and hip turn — no stride. Players throw to each other for desired period, then move another 5 yards apart. Continue moving apart and throwing for desired period of time and distance apart.
Quick Toss Players pair up and throw to each other. Players must be moving forward and through the ball when they catch it and must be in position to throw quickly to partner. Emphasis should be on catching the ball with stride foot forward so a quick throw can be made. Players must back up quickly after each throw so that proper distance can be maintained between them. Players should move apart in 10 foot increments after an appropriate number of throws are made. Players can also throw grounders to each other.
Throwing on the Run Form two lines at opposite ends of workout area. First player from one line, with ball held up, runs toward first player in opposite line. At midpoint between lines, she throws the ball to the receiver and runs to the end of the receiver’s line. The player receiving the ball puts a tag on “runner” and then runs toward first player in opposite line. At midpoint between lines, she throws the ball to the receiver and runs to the end of the line. Continue until everyone has performed at least four throws. Helps players overcome tendency to throw high in this situation.
Stationary Ball Throw Players form a line about 20 feet in front of coach. Each player has a ball. First player throws her ball to the coach who places it on the ground. Player runs to ball, picks it up and throws to player 60 to 90 feet away. Player receiving the ball keeps it and runs to the end of the line. Player throwing the ball runs to the receiver’s position. Vary the direction of throws.
Circle Drill Drill used to practice backhand and underhand throws. Players form a circle around a single player in the middle. Player on circle throws underhand to player in the middle and follows her throw to the center of circle. Player in the middle throws backhand to next player (clockwise) on the circle and follows throw. Player receiving the ball throws underhand to new player in the middle who throws backhand to the next player on the circle. Try using two balls at opposite ends of the circle and two players in the middle.
Relay Three or more players are spaced up to 50 feet apart from each other. Players make relay throws to each other being sure to turn towards the glove side as they throw to the next player in line. Turn this into a game by awarding prizes to the team that performs the fastest.
Star Throwing Five players are positioned at normal infield positions. Catcher throws to shortstop. Shortstop throws to first baseman. First baseman throws to third baseman. Third baseman throws to second baseman. Second baseman throws to catcher.
Variations: start a runner at home and try to get her into a rundown between home and 3B or between 3B and 2B after making all five throws.
Around the Horn Players are positioned at their bases with both shortstop and second baseman at 2B. Catcher throws to third baseman who throws to second baseman covering 2B; second baseman throws to first baseman who throws to catcher. Then repeat in opposite direction with first baseman throwing to shortstop covering 2B. Each player applies a tag to “runner” before throwing to next player.
Box Throwing Players are positioned at respective bases. Throws are made in the following order: catcher to 1B; 1B to 3B; 3B to 2B with second baseman covering. Second baseman throws to catcher who throws back to 2B with shortstop covering. Shortstop throws to 1B; 1B to 3B; 3B to catcher. Each player applies a tag to “runner” before throwing to next player.

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